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As stated in the ISHI by-laws, "Voting membership shall be limited to individuals who:


  • Hold a valid certificate to teach students who are deaf/hard of hearing in the state of Illinois and;

  • Are responsible for the coordination or supervision of educational programs or services for students birth through 21 who are deaf or hard of hearing or are on the faculty of university programs which train teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.


Other ancillary service providers are welcome at meetings but are not eligible to vote. Special consideration for granting voting membership shall be given to requests from individuals with experience, expertise or other certifications, or who represent other agencies.




Please Note:  Beginning Fall of 2022, ISHI Membership and Meeting Registration are on the same form.  


Membership and Registration Fees:  Beginning 2016-2017, Membership dues are $30 per year. Registration for one or two ISHI meetings is $100 per year. Fees can be paid via check, payable to ISHI.

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